Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome to the Zoo!

Hello, Parents, John Gallagher here-- the fun is about to begin! Beth told me to keep this first e-mail simple, so here is JUST the practice and game schedules...

I am so excited that your awesome kids have joined the fun that is Mitey Mites Soccer, and that you are giving them this very cool opportunity to exercise and laugh! I coached my daughter Katie for 3 seasons and it was a blast, with the emphasis on basics, smiles, and fun! Below is the schedule for your planning--- games are usually Saturday mornings, and we will have soccer practice 4:30-5:30 every Wednesday at Columbia Elementary School (6720 Alpine Dr, Annadale- near K-Mart and the George Mason Library). I am also creating a blog ( with the schedule, announcements, and a place to post pics of the team. A few specifics:

Practice: (Bring water for water breaks)
Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30 - please come on time, as practices will usually run only 45 minutes - OUR FIRST PRACTICE IS THIS WED, THE 10TH at 4:30

Games (all Games at Columbia Elementary): OUR FIRST GAME IS THIS SAT, THE 13TH, at 9AM, Field 1
(Bring water for water breaks)
ABGC Mite Mites Soccer Schedule
team 15

Coach: John Gallagher
(703) 989-3068

9/13/2008 9:00 AM, Field #1

9/20/2008 NO GAME-BYE

9/27/2008 9:00 AM, Field #1

10/4/2008 10:00 AM, Field #2

10/18/2008 9:00 AM, Field #1

10/25/2008 11:00 AM, Field #1

11/1/2008 9:00 AM, Field #2

11/9/2008(Sunday Game) 2PM, Field #1

IMPORTANT: by Saturday's first game kids need SHIN GUARDS AND SOCCER SHOES
While some teams spend $35-45 on official uniforms, with the kids growing like weeds, we are going to make our own t-shirts, so please e-mail or send the following, or have this info for Wednesday's practice:

- Shirt Size
- Child's favorite Zoo animal (This may or may not matter)
- Number for back of shirt (This is just for fun, so it's not a problem if we have duplicate numbers)

To cover costs for shirts, we're asking $10 per child-- any money left over will go towards end-of season awards

That's all-- feel free to call or e-mail!

-- Coach John

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